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Exploring, learning, and collaborating are the keys to Networking!

Having a goal to crack a job, build a startup, innovate a product, or extend your knowledge through higher education shouldn’t be your sole purpose in life. Learning the art of communication, engaging in activities that brainstorm your mind with options, and having the ability to solve a meaningful problem will surely open doors to any path one chooses to pursue.

 At Repaper, we make the purpose of networking one of our priorities – as many talents can be explored only when they are given a proper platform to engage and interact.





Moving away from traditional hierarchies, embracing networks, and turning outsiders into insiders.

We are a team hailing from diversified backgrounds, connecting from India, The USA, the Middle East, and the EU. Many of us are researchers, high-potential aspirants,  singles, happy married couples, entrepreneurs, language enthusiasts, artists, and collaborators. Everyone of us shares a story that comes with loads of experiences, some of which might sound amazing, and some a bit bitter to digest. We found a way to remove certain barriers, express our emotions, meet new talents, and encourage through our products & services, so we can grow a healthy community that lends a helping hand by identifying the root cause of issues and finding solutions within the communities we engage ourselves in.

Learn, Engage, Share, and Explore to exile in your career.

Founder's message and steps to follow


Being the creator of Repaper required me to invest nearly 18 years in my entrepreneurial journey, which included trying new things, failing, being humiliated, being ignorant of the market, and finding the right partner, friends, and like-minded people to engage, encourage, or share valuable data that could have saved years of time. After working with clients from The USA, East Africa, the UAE, India, Sri Lanka, Germany, Italy, Spain, and other nations, and exploring more than 10 different countries, I’ve finally discovered that a lack of diversity, human bias, and insufficient knowledge that leads to clarity have made me face some costly experiences. The E-books that are created come with eye opening information that can help any person build confidence, as they are filled with researched data suitable enough for all types of readers to not just read and ignore but also to practice, engage, and network.

“Remember, if you have a goal to run 10,000 miles, we must start with a single step in the beginning.”

Though Repaper E-books are limited in information, they provide sufficient knowledge, a set of tools, and awareness to take the first step with confidence towards whatever goal one has to achieve. BM  

How can you get the most out of Repaper?

Step 1: E-books

We highly recommend our beloved users learn through our E-books, practice them with the given tasks, such as case studies, mini projects and engage in peer to peer reviews!

Step 2: Get Certified

Repaper certification differs from others, as we not only focus on theoretical knowledge but also handsoff real time projects to give our users practical experience. Our users must dive deep into the topics, conduct a lot of research, submit group projects, and participate in our quiz programs. Being certified will help your peers understand your domain expertise, which will uplift your profile, build trust, and encourage engagement.

Step 3: Join the Forum

Engage yourself by constantly keeping yourself updated on the forum, as one user’s query can become another’s time saver. Community activities, fun sessions, online quizzes, webinars, and others will constantly fill your curiosity and increase your hunger to learn and achieve.

Why must you do it?

This would help you explore, increase your domain expertise, know your peers, and get clarity!

Step 4: Engage in Workshops

Having some knowledge alone cannot make an individual reach great heights. Repaper workshops follow an immersive teaching model, where participants work in groups based on their skills, create dummy companies, share ideas, pitch, and much more. We try to remove boundaries from knowledge exchange in a world of work that is both high-tech and high-human.

What would the participants gain?

Huge database of talents, ideas, and opportunities to collaborate with your peers. Remember, networking is everything, if you have the skills, you can even create something without anything!

Learn to use the power of communities to scale the benefits of exploration and climb the ladder to a career, freedom, or other objectives.

It’s a small initiative but we wish to make it huge #Points System

No effort should be left unrecognized; every participant who has shared their valuable time, energy, creativity, knowledge, support, and research data shall receive perks from Repaper in the form of Virtual currencies. We are working on a points system, that would provide a leading edge to gain good discounts for all Repaper supporters. To understand the concept, click on the following button!

Journey behind Repaper


The Idea Stage

Though the birth of Repaper Consultants came into existence in 2023, the idea was created in 2016 with the name “MyRoutinework.” Due to lack of technological awareness and entrepreneurial skills, BM couldn’t see the hidden traps and challenges to bringing the idea to life, so he flew to Europe to pursue his Masters in Entrepreneurship.

“My journey to foreign countries made me realize that many advanced nations are research oriented, and India is result oriented. Having a great idea is possible, but bringing it to life takes a lot of courage, loads of patience, teamwork, and domain expertise. Having the right set of tools, a great team, and a good mentor is essential for any startup.”  ~ BM


Repaper Consultants was founded

BM, experience as a private European business consultant gave him exposure to various business models, the ability to communicate and engage with great talents, and an understanding of the skillset and personality required to achieve the goals. Keeping the core objective of creating entrepreneurial awareness in mind, Repaper was created.


Growing the vision

Repaper was created to empower students. Looking at the global industries collapse, on going political issues, growing inflation, and huge layoffs, there is a threat to every Nation. Our vision is to make every individual resilient to sustain any global catastrophe, and one way to do that is through Entrepreneurship, which can create good employment and circulate the economy. As the future of the Nation relies in the hands of the students, we believe the growth of Repaper depends on the receiving end of our users.


Where are we connecting from?

Today, Repaper operates from India, but has supporters volunteering, and mentoring from UAE, Italy, The U.S.A, Canada, and other parts of European Union.


The journey for the year 2023

Repaper is packed with a schedule for conducting seminars across Andhra Pradesh and Telangana states in the month of October 2023.

Do you want to volunteer?

As the world undergoes rapid changes, it’s essential to equip your workforce with digital skills to thrive in the uncertain future. Repaper provides an interactive platform for sustainable mentorship, effective onboarding, and talent retention. Are you ready to embrace the forthcoming digital business transformation?”

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